エリン・フォスターのインスタグラム(erinfoster) - 2月2日 07時42分

I just called everyone on this list to offer support and you should too. They are republican senators and congressional members who have come out publicly opposing the immigration ban. It's not easy to go against your own party, and it's important to let them know how many people appreciate it. I understand that these are probably people you strongly disagree with on many major issues, but you need to call their offices and tell them that you support their opposition to the immigration order, regardless of your party affiliation. The more phone calls they get in support, the more likely they are to continue their opposition not only on this but in other areas. I got through to someone in almost every office, left voicemails for the rest.
?CALL (during normal business hours if you want someone to answer, duh)


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