ベイリー・マディソンのインスタグラム(baileemadison) - 1月31日 15時35分

***it's having to write a post like this that reminds me what "real life" is. I ask you to please take a moment from scrolling through your feed to read this. ** Please meet my sweet and dear friend Brooke. I met her through @alexslemonade , and as does everyone who meets her, I fell in love with her bright smile, crystal eyes and radiant heart. We have remained in touch since meeting a couple years back.
Brooke has been battling cancer for 8 years now and tonight I received a text from her mother, letting me know that the cancer has spread into her brain. She was rushed into emergency brain surgery tonight. I will keep details personal, but the surgery was so invasive that she is now dealing with a huge amount of critical swelling. She is resting now, and so I ask you to please join me tonight in (as her mother described it) STORMING THE HEAVENS FOR A MIRACLE.
Brooke is just one bright heart out of so so many kids who are battling for their lives tonight. I ask that as we lift her and her family up in prayer, that we also lift up those who I don't know personally as well.
Every child deserves to live a happy and healthy life. THIS is the battle I have wanted to fight. THESE are the stories I am meant to share. And I promised myself that one day, posts like this won't have to be made anymore.
I love you B. Keep smiling that smile, keep fighting that fight.
Thank you for praying.


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