ケン・ロックゼンのインスタグラム(kenroczen94) - 1月25日 03時12分

Got lucky with a lot of things the last few days but i got the luckiest with the people that r loving me And supporting me. Starting off with my amazing woman. Not just in times like this but on the daily. Also close friends and especially family and friends from Germany. Most important thing in life is be healthy and have great people around you. Even tho I am not healthy right now I feel like I achieved the rest. From Gf to friends to family to my amazing team @Honda Powersports US it makes all this shitty time only half as bad cause I got positive thoughts to hold on to. Got about 4 surgeries to go or so. All gonna be good. Or as @oswi_cbad and I say. " IT LL BUFF OUT" lol


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