エラ・パーネルのインスタグラム(ella_purnell) - 1月24日 10時00分

Basically my mum has this room in the house that my friends like to call 'the shrine' because it's literally just filled with photos of me and it's super creepy and hilarious so whenever I bring new people round I shut the door and pretend it doesn't exist to avoid awkward conversations and secret judgement - and the other day I invited a new friend round but totally forgot to close the door and they like casually wandered in without any warning or explanation expecting it to be a bathroom or some shit and I had a very stressful time explaining myself without my mum there to back me so here is a photo capturing the awkward moment I realised I didn't have the answers and may possibly never live this down and be traumatised for life #photowithastory #loveyoulotsmum #eventhoughyoureallycringemeout


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