ベス・ベアーズのインスタグラム(bethbehrs) - 1月23日 07時05分

My #sundayreset #metox consists of reflecting on yesterday's march and planning my #action from here. These women and I will begin our pilot program for sexual assault survivors #Sheherdpower in April. This is only the beginning of the voice I plan to be for fighting sexual assault and abuse in This country and around the world. Especially over the next four years but most importantly throughout my lifetime. I hope everyone who marched yesterday or marched in spirit takes some time today to reflect on the love and hope and joy we all felt yesterday and come up with an action plan to keep #changing . #metoxing #thetotalmetox #change #whyimarch #loveisloveislove #notokay


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



