アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 1月22日 20時58分

We had only been in the room together once and for a short time before we took this picture. But the heart of each woman in this photo is to love and support the woman next to her. To clap on the sidelines as she shines and to hold her hand and pray for her and even take a few breaths with her if she struggles. Women supporting women. Humans supporting humans. Dreamgirls had empowered me in a way I can not explain. Three black women starring on the west end telling a story of life's contretemps and the power of love, humility, and forgiveness. I couldn't march but I do take a stand every single night, and I try to tell a story of hope that I pray heals the audience as much as it heals me. All that footage of all you beautiful women and men making your voices be heard really made me feel like these next four years are going to change my life for the better. We will not back down. We will continue to push forward. We will be loud and NASTY WOMEN!!! Thank you for being such a great example for me! I am so much more hopeful than I was a couple of days ago ? #womensmarch #womensrights #nastywomen #feminism #lovetrumpshate #yeswedid #hope #dreamgirls


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