タリン・サザンのインスタグラム(tarynsouthern) - 1月22日 12時36分

There's no child in this country who should grow up believing that the open display of degradation toward women (not to mention egomaniac behavior that encourages qualifying everyone as "winners vs losers") are honorable traits.
If you voted for Trump on policy issues, fine - those differences are an important part of our fabric. I can agree to respectfully disagree. But to heal the emotional divide in this country, there needs to be an acknowledgement that no one in this nation, Republican or Democrat or Independent, should stand for the normalization and support of bullying, tantrums, and divisive tweets from the leader of our country.
Most of the people I know who voted Trump still agree that his bombastic behavior is shudder inducing. I encourage them to speak out, for if his own voters (who agree with his policies and/or message of change) push him to speak with greater grace and dignity and take responsibility for his missteps, his detractors will be more likely to listen with a more open mind and heart.

#womensmarch isn't just about women, but all of us, demonstrating a desire for these acknowledgements, which will also help inform policy over the next four years. United we stand. ? from @reneebargh


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