ケアリー・ハートのインスタグラム(hartluck) - 1月22日 07時00分

Very proud of my wife, and it was really special to march in the streets with my family today. I'm not pro republican, democrat, or government. I'm pro constitution and rights. Just as I'm pro gun, for anyone to marry whom they love regardless of gender or race, and women's rights. I think it's embarrassing that government has a say is what my wife or my adult daughter does with their body. I'm a big believer in staying in your lane. Don't like what I'd do or say? Don't pay attention. It isn't your business. So how about government say out of women's business? Lastly I have 2 amazing Women that work at the top of my personal business pyramid. I employ them because in my opinion they are the best people for the job. Period. I know this runs much deeper that what I just said, but I had to say my piece. Don't like it? Stay in your lane ?


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