メアリー・モーサのインスタグラム(missmarymmouser) - 1月21日 15時08分

today is not the day for "how did this happen?" or "im so done." today is the day to stop simply making wishes but to start doing something about them (yes, i get the irony of this pic - just didn't feel like taking a stressed pic today).
today is the day to start our fight. the power is in our hands to step up, take control, and bring about the change ourselves that we want to see.
we can do it. i believe in us. we won't step back, we will keep pushing forward to be better than we were before. not sure if this translates from my brain into text but you get me, right?
it's up to us, no more lazy days of expecting others to clean up the messes we see. time to pick up a broom and some super glue and let's start making things not just good enough, but better.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



