ダイアン・ゲレロのインスタグラム(dianexguerrero) - 1月20日 11時40分

Ok ready for life! Got my #feministbox thanks so much @feministapparel ✊?
I'm off to D.C. I have to say I'm so proud of all of you. Around 280 marches are being held all over the country. Organizing this march was not easy and it is a great example dedication and hard work. We can achieve so much when we find commonalities that unite us and use our power for good. This is only the beginning. I hope that through this experience we are all motivated and excited about our potential and understand the importance and responsibility of participating in our country's democratic process. Get up! Stand up! Don't give up the fight! I march for equality and justice for all. I march for our right to be here and be treated with dignity and respect. I love you and I can't wait to see your beautiful faces❤️
@womensmarch #whyimarch #womensmarch


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