キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 1月20日 02時16分

Thank you for showing me what it means to work to rebuild the confidence of a broken people. Thank you for giving my generation a blueprint to creating a resolve through the PTSD, hurt and trauma that plagues our community with support and acknowledgement! Not often do we discuss these truths, but you can not enslave a people for over three hundred years and let them go one day without any recourse. How does one deal with themselves after such things? Around those that know the keys to free the mind they caged you in, yet lack the compassion/guts to. Thank you, for showing me what it means to be on the front line and using your cultural struggle to relieve the many generations before and after you. Thank you for letting me know it's okay to say I am angry and hurt and that THAT IS OKAY because of the suffering I inherited. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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