カミラ・マーシャルのインスタグラム(gypsymoonshine) - 1月13日 08時35分

The students of PUC supported me in watching HAIRSPRAY. Today I went to meet them in person. Abby asked me a couple questions about stage fright which was huge cause I'm told she doesn't speak much and stays to herself. After I sang for them, I asked if anyone wanted to share their voice with me. A few got up, and then their teacher said they wanted to know if Abby would sing. The girl with stage fright. She was terrified. I told her I'd sit and hold her hand if she wanted to do it. She did. She sang and when she closed her eyes she became even more powerful. I was so happy to support Abby today and help her conquer. This is why we do it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




