アシャンティのインスタグラム(ashanti) - 1月13日 04時01分

So humbled and honored to have been invited to the White House for "The Celebration of Eight Years" to say farewell to our Historical President and First Lady. Although having gone to the White House a few times this one was by far the saddest invite... the reality that our President is really saying farewell... unfortunately being on tour in Australia I wasn't able to attend but I prayed very hard for our First family... growing up hearing the stories about my grandfather marching on Washington with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being beat & spat on.. to being able to see barriers broken & witness what my parents & grandparents could only dream of - Having a black President was monumental... Although still being criticized and ridiculed our President remained Powerful, Compelling & Loyal.. it shows that we've come so far but still have so far to go...Thank you President Barack Obama & First Family for Hope & Change. ❤️


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