Eight years ago, my family drove from Chicago to D.C., woke up super early, and walked to Capitol Hill with a quickly growing number of smiling strangers. Where there could've been chaos, there was actually the closest thing I've experienced to peace--something I'd only ever known as a solitary feeling, while the social concept evaded me, on the grounds of seeming either a) mythological (Bush was president for most of my childhood) or b) a catchphrase in the later episodes of The Wonder Years when it becomes the '60s and everyone is suddenly like, "What sock hop? Now we're into PROTESTS!" But this, here, was peace. We were freezing, surrounded by crowds, and struggling to see even the Jumbotron, but exactly where we wanted to be: side-by-side with other people who valued inclusivity and believed in social change. In 10 days, I'm going to the #womensmarchonwashington under totally different circumstances, but with the same intent: to champion equality and unity even when it feels like a re-re-re-restating of the obvious. To challenge the expectation that unity means normalizing and rewarding racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamphobia, anti-semitism, ableism, homophobia, and fascism. That we should calmly give a chance to someone who's already made his value system very clear--by rapidly adjusting it according to whatever, on any given day, best serves his self-interest. To know, again, that feeling of peace--and rightful anger--and to be able to call upon it in the next four years whenever taking action starts to feel futile or unnecessary. To insist, as Obama said last night, "that these rights, while self-evident, have never been self-executing; that we, the people, through the instrument of our democracy, can form a more perfect union." I hope to see you there, and if you can't make it, @womensmarch has plenty of resources on other ways to show up. Lots and lots of love and ✊?✊?✊?✊?✊?. #whyimarch #womensmarch

tavitulleさん(@tavitulle)が投稿した動画 -

タヴィ・ゲヴィンソンのインスタグラム(tavitulle) - 1月12日 09時12分

Eight years ago, my family drove from Chicago to D.C., woke up super early, and walked to Capitol Hill with a quickly growing number of smiling strangers. Where there could've been chaos, there was actually the closest thing I've experienced to peace--something I'd only ever known as a solitary feeling, while the social concept evaded me, on the grounds of seeming either a) mythological (Bush was president for most of my childhood) or b) a catchphrase in the later episodes of The Wonder Years when it becomes the '60s and everyone is suddenly like, "What sock hop? Now we're into PROTESTS!" But this, here, was peace. We were freezing, surrounded by crowds, and struggling to see even the Jumbotron, but exactly where we wanted to be: side-by-side with other people who valued inclusivity and believed in social change.
In 10 days, I'm going to the #womensmarchonwashington under totally different circumstances, but with the same intent: to champion equality and unity even when it feels like a re-re-re-restating of the obvious. To challenge the expectation that unity means normalizing and rewarding racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamphobia, anti-semitism, ableism, homophobia, and fascism. That we should calmly give a chance to someone who's already made his value system very clear--by rapidly adjusting it according to whatever, on any given day, best serves his self-interest. To know, again, that feeling of peace--and rightful anger--and to be able to call upon it in the next four years whenever taking action starts to feel futile or unnecessary. To insist, as Obama said last night, "that these rights, while self-evident, have never been self-executing; that we, the people, through the instrument of our democracy, can form a more perfect union." I hope to see you there, and if you can't make it, @womensmarch has plenty of resources on other ways to show up. Lots and lots of love and ✊?✊?✊?✊?✊?. #whyimarch #womensmarch

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