カースティ・コベントリーのインスタグラム(officialkirstycoventry) - 1月10日 15時06分

Tuesday Thoughts: DISCIPLINE!
As I watched one of my younger cousins swim in the Zimbabwe National Gala this weekend I was reminded of how disciplined one needs to be in the pool and in life. It is one of the most important similarities I make between successful business people and athletes - the strength to maintain discipline:
• Discipline to get to the office/field before anyone else, constantly. • Discipline to remain focused on the work at hand, regardless of how boring or difficult it may seem at the time. • Discipline of time-management, which means learning to say no to distractions. • Discipline to have respect and kindness for others because this not only makes you successful in business or sport but also as a human being (perhaps more important?). **Note: discipline must be practiced continuously to be effective. #Discipline


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