のインスタグラム(happyyorkiefamily) - 1月6日 09時41分

Our hearts are extremity heavy today as our almost 17 years young buddy Sonny @kwulsinaz @vwuls crossed the rainbow bridge! ?????? Sonny was doing so well after the dental surgery... however the past couple of days things started to go down hill! ? Sonny had an amazing 16 plus years with his family and we feel so honored to have met Sonny and his precious family! ❤ You will always be loved and remembered sweet baby boy! ?? Run free in Doggie heaven with your late brother Mickey and our late baby girl Abby! ????? Until we all meet again one day! R.I.P. Sonny! ?? We love you! ❤?? #RIPSonny #WeWillAlwaysLoveYou #BowsForAbby #RainbowBridge #UntilWeMeetAgain


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