マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 1月5日 10時38分

Happy birthday to my sweet loving, sensitive, funny ass all fuck, dark-twisted yet soft and caring, real, no holds barred, honest, amazing sister Elvira. You've managed to raise two wonderful also sweet dark and twisted children who I spend tons of time with and they are an extension of all of your amazingness. I love you dearly make these years your best years. Be fearless selfish about giving you all you got and watching the little girl in u continue to blossom into any and everything you ever dreamed to be. I love u more than u can ever know and I am so proud of u. Thank u for always giving me the real about all I do. My biggest fan and biggest critic. Thank u for believing in all that I can do. Love u!!!!


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