ジェセニア・バイスのインスタグラム(iamjessenia) - 1月5日 03時50分

When I hit 30 my body changed (I'm 32 now) It was harder to keep results. Then I suffered an etopic pregnancy that required Fallobian Tube surgery(2yrs ago). I was put on bed rest for 3months. I wasn't even allowed to situp to pee. I was required to lay flat on my back. Btwn that and the meds I was put on I gained a lot of weight n lost major muscle. Most of it went into my arms , face n lower body.
I used to train myself to become "bigger." But since then I been focusing on leaning up more.
I've dropped a lot of weight n I've toned up nicely. There's no short cuts. There's no fast or easy way. Yes u can transform ur body in 3 months w extreme dieting n workout regiments n supplements But my GOAL is to stay healthy n be strong n to have fun in my time n my pace.
#iUsedToBe200lbs at the age of 16. I can't say it was easy. I suffered anorexia then bulimia. It wasn't until my late 20s that I discovered weights n the gym. N im so happy I did Bc it's my sanctuary
The last two years


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