ダニエル・ピーザーのインスタグラム(daniellepeazer) - 12月31日 00時22分

Believe it or not I used to hate wearing a bikini on holiday. I've always been slim but had no muscle tone and felt like I was lanky and looked a bit weedy. This changed when I was dancing a lot more regularly and really focused on the areas of my body I wanted to improve. Yes, I still have certain body hang ups but I'm happy with so much more of my body now than when I was 15 and I'm going to continue focusing on what I want to improve for myself and nobody else. Starting on 2nd January with my 12 week Body Plan, I will be doing it too so if you want to join in then click the link in my bio and we can get through it together and feel bloody awesome at the end of it ???? tag a friend who you're going to buddy up with and do the 12 Weeks with - if you don't have anyone then consider me your workout buddy for 2017 ☺ #WHLxDanielle


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