スカイ・フェレイラのインスタグラム(skyferreira) - 12月26日 10時34分

I just opened this Cookie Mueller book that was given to me when I was 15(?). It still has the note that Matt Porterfield wrote (who gave me the book) so I could learn more about Baltimore. Matt & I were supposed to make a film called Metal Gods but $ fell through last minute. We ended up making Putty Hill instead. It was the first film I ever made. I spent a year (maybe two) prior getting ready for Metal Gods. Matt gave me tons of books and films to prepare for it & had me to come to Baltimore a few times before filming. He basically exposed or led me to most of the things that either heavily influenced me as an artist or art that I deeply connected to on a very personal level. I specifically remember being a young girl who felt completely disconnected from everything & extremely lonely. When I discovered all of this it was like a whole new world opened up & I felt way less miserable. 9 years later/45 minutes ago I opened this book & saw this post it I was reminded how important this time & experience was to me. I mean, Jeremy Saulnier was the cinematographer too?!? I have yet to make anything (film wise) that felt so deeply apart of me until this day. I now appreciate how rare & prominent this moment was. I was a very lucky teenager. HAPPY HOLIDAYS. #DontTryThisAtHome


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