アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 12月25日 07時00分

On top of being sick in bed and on vocal rest, I didn't get to get a Christmas tree, and honestly I was being a Scrooge because I knew my family couldn't be here so it was easier to just ignore It this year, it just hasn't felt like Christmas at all. Then I finally come out of my room after being comatose most of the day, to the kitchen and my big sister @msashleymriley made us a tree and even put Chewie and Mylo on it. I haven't cried this hard all year. Love is what the holidays are about and I wouldn't have survived this Christmas without my best friend being here. I'm so overwhelmed and it may seem silly but that tree just made my day. Hug those you love a little tighter, so many people I know didn't make it this year, swallow your pride and forgive those who need forgiveness, ask forgiveness of those you've wronged, say I love you even if you fear the love won't be returned, just don't have any regrets. Celebrate each holiday with as much joy as possible. And even though I'm not feeling well, I am going to still have JOY because regardless of what I feel in the present moment I know I am blessed! Happy Christmas Eve ?? ps. She let me put the star on the top lol


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




