テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 12月24日 13時03分

Each day feels like a battle to learn how to love my body postpartum. It's been 6 months, & my stomach is lower, my breasts are a different shape, new stretch marks & I feel like a stranger in my body more than ever. I wasn't anticipating this at all. I'm not used to looking in the mirror & feeling like I don't recognize myself, but sadly that's my reality some days. I debated on whether or not to post this, but I think it's important to be honest about what it's like to be a woman in the media, who recently had a baby & the pressure that's put on new moms to "lose the baby weight". I was fat before, I carried a healthy baby, & guess what, still fat... & THATS OKAY. I have no New Years resolution to lose weight, but only to work on learning my new body & loving & nurturing it. Not a day goes by that Nick doesn't tell me how beautiful I am, but it's not our partners job to lift our spirits, we have to be our own cheerleaders. So that's what I will do, take it day by day. It's a journey, not a race.. & a beautiful one at that. #6monthspostpartum #effyourbeautystandards @effyourbeautystandards


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