ジー・ヘイルのインスタグラム(officiallzzyhale) - 12月22日 10時15分

Just found all my cassette tape recordings of my vocal lessons with Steve Whiteman circa '00 . I'm going through them all, chronicling them and finally converting them to MP3. It's so much fun to go back and revisit all the building blocks that helped make me the singer I am...What I've re-learned thus far... 1. Steve's uncomplicated and fun approach to vocal coaching is what kept me learning. 2. Being "in person"for lessons is such a better way to learn vs you tube, because your coach is able to hear and watch your body do it's thing and accurately describe to you how singing is supposed to feel. And 3.My 16 year old self was a giggling dork and a goober. ??. Rock on!


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