フランシア・ライサのインスタグラム(franciaraisa) - 12月20日 01時06分

My form of prayer, personal creativity, and overall expression of emotions is through journaling. It's amazing how much you learn about yourself and grow just from writing. There are goals and dreams I set for myself and I tend to add new ones everyday. Sometimes life gets a little chaotic and one forgets, but because I write them down they are in my subconscious and I'm working towards them even if I don't realize it. I've been able to let go of pain, forgive, and learn to love again just from writing in my journal. Even when I don't have anything to say I just write. So I find a way to take an hour out of my day, every day, just to journal. And sometimes it's on the steps of a friends apartment building ? #caught


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