COMPLEXのインスタグラム(complex) - 12月18日 10時47分

After texts leaked from @ブラック・チャイナ, here's what Rob had to say. ———————————————————————————————— "Sorry to be so open but I'm not feeling so good after seeing @ブラック・チャイナ messages about me and what her plans were. I have never been this heartbroken in my life. I don't mind being so open or if anyone thinks I'm being weak but I don't play when it comes to Family and Chyna was my Family and thought we were getting married. I treated her as a Queen. My baby girl is 1 month old and Chyna took her and left this beautiful home that I just bought for us. Right before Christmas. Someone I have given my all too. I Loved every inch of that woman and loved everything that came with her. I truly loved Angela. I gave everything I owned for her. Didn't know I was just part of her plan. I really believed she was in love with me the way that I was with her and I am so hurt and never felt this before. It's different when you have a kid with someone. And after reading Chyna's messages to her best friend she was going to drop me after a year. She didn't even make it to that. I am so broken. This is a woman I fought my entire family for. I was in love with this woman to the fullest and I was none of that to her." - @ロブ・カルダシアン


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