ドメン・スコフィッチのインスタグラム(domen_skofic) - 12月13日 17時19分

Last Saturday @ヤンヤ・ガンブレット and I spent our last climbing day of the season in good old Mišja peč. We managed to tick off one of the last projects there. Janja made the first ascent and I right after the first male ascent ? The route is called "Ninja želva". We are totally out of grading shape but we think it's around 8c.
On the last route of the day I unfortunately pulled my ring finger tendon, a very unpleasant pain ? but I hope my 3 week rest will make it fully functional again ?

Thanks to @dhclimbing for nice photos!

@レッドブル #givesyouwings @redbullsi @fiveten_official #branofthebrave @team_edelrid @luxov_connect @slovenian_army


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