Julia Gilasのインスタグラム(juliagilas) - 12月12日 02時06分

Train like a woman for better results?

When you go to the gym,
Here's what men workout:
Chest, biceps and quads.
Usually in the order. I call them the "mirror" exercises.
Women workout this way:
Abs, Glutes  hamstrings, and triceps. I call these the "feel" exercises.
Men, how often do you have to fight a woman for the bench press?
How often do you see men do The Glute Bridge raise?
Almost never.
I guarantee if men would incorporate more of the "feel" exercises they would be stronger and look better.
Simply by doing the glute  bridge raise men would see a stronger butt, and overall better body. Men, what  could be better than a hard round backside? You'll impress the ladies!
If women would "deadlift"
more often they would see a big difference in the way they look. Try the Trapbar deadlift and you'll be impressed with the changes. Maybe get the guy you like at the gym to show you how!


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