Dazed Magazineのインスタグラム(dazed) - 12月3日 02時28分

The Baroness doesn’t write any of her own songs, nor does she perform on them. Instead, the postmodern popstar was chosen almost entirely for her sex and sexuality. That’s because The Baroness isn’t technically ‘real’ – instead, she’s the creation of London electronic musician Viva Victoria and the brains behind erotica magazines @baron_magazine and @baroness_magazine.
“Our sexual desires have been packaged, marketed, and are sold in various forms, including music,” a statement declares. “By accelerating sex visually and musically, The Baroness questions how sex is perpetuated in our modern society. Does the Baroness look tantalising and appealing? Will you fall in love and buy her product?”
Find out more at dazeddigital.com/music ?
? @therealqueen_ee


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