スカイ・フェレイラのインスタグラム(skyferreira) - 11月29日 06時10分

I am in the process of putting something together for Standing Rock. ALL donations & supplies will be sent direct & will going there immediately after. It will most likely be in Los Angeles (from what it looks like at the moment). I am trying to make it something really special & bring people together/aware for a very important cause. Other bands & friends will be most likely playing. We will have some other (none music) surprises. More info to come. Keep being vocal and aware. Find ways to help! Stand up & help humanity. Xxxxxxx


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




ASOS Studioのインスタグラム
ASOS Studioさんがフォロー
