フィービー・ダールのインスタグラム(phoebe) - 11月26日 11時23分

Today I met this beautiful family while out exploring Negril. Mother. Grandmother. Daughter. Son. + 30 malnourished animals they had rescued from the street and are nursing back to health. I spent over 2 hours sitting and talking with the grandmother about the injustices of women and girls and their rights to education in Jamaica. She is a school teacher. The 3yr old son and I were kindred souls, immediately drawn to each other. He took a liking to my camera and I taught him how to use it and left him to his own devices. He took some incredible photos and it was a pleasure to watch him find so much joy in being creative. They are in need of school supplies, food, children's clothes and diapers. I will put together a donation for people to help. Visiting them again tomorrow. stay tuned. ?? Eternally grateful for the people life introduces me to.


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