スクリレックスのインスタグラム(skrillex) - 11月25日 08時46分

First of all I'm thankful that I woke up today. I'm thankful to have made it this far in life with the people who I care about the most. I'm thankful to be in a position where I can be creative , but I'm more thankful for all the struggles I had to go through just to get to where I am. Being 16 singing in a SCREAMO band riding around In a van across the US and Canada living off of 75 bucks a show split between 7 people. I'm thankful for those times when it always didn't come easy. And I'm thankful for the ability to constantly find and create new barriers because really really great things don't always come easy. But most of all I'm thankful for the people who I can call my friends and family today because without them none of this would have been possible and more importantly this journey wouldn't have been what it was without them. But that's the point, it's all in the journey; how you get there not when you arrive. My journey is still continuing and its not going to end any time soon. I'm just thankful that I can share it with great people like yourselves.

H?PP? TH?NKSG?V?NG to all ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




