ライリー・キーオのインスタグラム(rileykeough) - 11月25日 04時15分

Today I want to thank all of the Indigenous people who are fighting for our planet. I want to thank the Native Americans who are fighting for not only themselves but for me and my future and my future children and you and your children and our planets future with nothing but kindness. I want to thank every single Water Protector Native and non native, in Oceti Sakowin, who is risking their safety for our water today, and everyone who is supporting them from home.
This photo was taken when we were at Camp two weeks ago, it's tear gas being wiped off this young water protectors face.... I want to make everyone aware of the situation at Standing Rock today, if you're not aware of what's happening please take the time today and educate yourself. Much much love from my family to yours. ❤️❤️❤️❤️✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊ mniwiconi #waterislife #ocetisakowin #nodapl


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