イアン・サマーホルダーのインスタグラム(iansomerhalder) - 11月24日 10時59分

When I was a little kid, all I ever wanted was a paint horse to ride across the plains in search of my Native American roots. The tribe of my family were from the Southeast but they most likely came from the north at one point. I now have my paint horse (the best b-day gift from my wife) and I intend to ride him across the plains of North Dakota with my extended Native America brothers and sisters. Our water is sacred, our land is sacred and NO ONE will ruin this land that belongs to our children and the wildlife that has roamed it for Millennia for a cheap profit. It's not job creation: it's environmental murder... Teddy Roosevelt, wherever you are sir please help us. You protected so much for us- help us now. Let's march and tell the US Dept Of Justice that it is their duty to protect us and our home. I ask you to come: This Sunday November 27th, wear blue for Water and join the March and Rally for Standing Rock in Washington, DC from the Department of Justice to the Washington Monument in opposition of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Visit https://www.facebook.com/events/737186576434031/ for more info.
#NoDapl #Standwithstandingrock #waterislife SHARE THIS LIKE ITS YOUR JOB. PLEASE. SEE YOU THERE


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