Dazed Magazineのインスタグラム(dazed) - 11月24日 02時20分

A new show will be dedicated to celebrating female fashion photographers.
“Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at... Thus (the woman) turns herself into an object – and most particularly an object of vision: a sight.” It’s been 44 years since John Berger wrote those seminal words in his book Ways of Seeing, and 41 since film critic Laura Mulvey first put a name to what he was describing: the male gaze. So in 2016, where are we now?
From non-conforming models to binary-resisting pop-up shops, to say that the last couple of years in fashion has seen a lot of discussion about gender is something of an understatement. The fact remains, though: for an industry dominated by women, and by pictures of them, many of the most famous photographers defining style culture have historically been men.
Seeking to offer another perspective, a new Milan exhibition attempts to explore the idea of a female gaze in fashion photography. With work from established names including Donna Trope and Ellen von Unwerth, artists such as Vanessa Beecroft and Cindy Sherman, and younger talents like Petra Collins and Maisie Cousins, the event is part of the first ever Photo Vogue Festival, a week-long event entirely dedicated to fashion photography.
The Female Gaze is part of Photo Vogue Festival, and runs until November 26 2016 at BASE Milano.
? @donnatrope

Words @emmahopeall



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