WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 11月23日 12時00分

Help us & you may WIN a $50 Photojojo voucher! We're looking for more Instagram users to feature on FEATURED USERS. If you know an influencer, celebrity, or brand on Instagram who isn't featured yet, send your suggestions at the link on our bio. One suggester will be randomly selected every week to win the $50 voucher giveaway!

This Bahamian raccoon has a book called Pumpkin, named after her. Pumpkin is a rescued racoon who has two dog best friends - Oreo and Toffee!

Check more influencers, celebrities, and brands on Instagram by visiting the newly launched, FEATURED USERS - your Instagramers Hall of Fame! (websta.me/category)
#raccoon #pets #oreo #toffee


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