ジェシー・Jのインスタグラム(jessiej) - 11月23日 02時26分

No human is unbreakable or indestructible. We are all built on life experiences and emotions. Sadly we have become so insensitive as a generation to real feelings and real pain unless it's us that is feeling it. If it isn't us then it becomes a meme or a topic of gossip and comical conversation. Yet if it was us we would be shocked at how people were reacting. It has to stop. So next time you feel the need to say something mean or hurtful or make a joke about someone you know or someone you have never even met when they are suffering. Look at their life and their experiences and be a support. Be understanding. Be sensitive. No one is perfect and fame and money doesn't make anyone less likely to feel hurt. The day we think "What do they need from me emotionally to feel stronger and better" before "I can't believe they didn't do that for me" is the day the world will be a better place. I pray this man is okay. ❤️ And I just want to clarify I would never joke about anyone's pain and I haven't ever including in this situation. Not why I'm posting this. Posting it to make anyone who reads this aware of how we as a world can try and be a little better ❤️


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