ロメオ・ミラーのインスタグラム(romeomiller) - 11月22日 05時17分

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in ALL hearts. ??❤️??I was never the guy that wanted the attention, but always the guy that was good with people. I can careless about fame but I love my job. Yes, very contradicting I know lol. My point is... that God has a bigger plan for all of us, his vision is far more greater than ours. We all are destined for greatness! I was watching President @Barack Obama's speech in Puru the other day and he said something I'll never forget, " Don't chase riches and power, all of that will come if you are doing what you love." If you are doing what you truly love, you will always find joy, even in those tough times. Be that person, be that light, people love that shit. #mondaymotivation


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