ハンナ・シモンのインスタグラム(therealhannahsimone) - 11月20日 03時08分

Well it just goes to show that while we focus on our bigger concerns we often forget the small important practical things. I spent most of my energy wondering how this trip through red and blue states would be for me as a woman of color who is an immigrant. Would I be safe? What assumptions would people make of me? How will our conversations start? And with all this abstract thinking I forgot to check the damn weather. And so now I am in my one pair of winter underpants, a pair of boots I found in the truck of my car, my friend's scarf and thankfully this pseudo lumberjack jacket. New Mexico you are beautiful but you are chilllyyyyyy. Lesson of the day: don't forget to sweat the small stuff otherwise you might freeze to death. ? @jessegiddings #sodumb #checktheweatherbeforeyoutravel #leduh #gonnagoeatchiliestowarmmeup


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