デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 11月17日 09時57分

Today @johncampanelli1 & I decided to climb the highest summit north of the equator in Kelowna, Canada. We did this without a Sherpa to guide us. This is a very special location as it was the spot where rock n' roll music was invented as well as where several UFO encounters have taken place. We are also aware of treasure buried here and where it is exactly as John woke up and drew a map from a vision he had. Since leaving this magical Plateau something strange has happened I have had zero appetite at all but I did eat a meal 4 hours ago and to be honest I'm a little hungry.
There was no air up here but due to the amount of years in Hollywood holding my breath waiting for agents to call me with audition updates I've learned to go without O2 for many weeks.
I also feel like I'm part bear now and I also know John has since been visited by several time traveling humans one of which was himself in 20 years but John didn't like the way Future John was bossing him around and told himself he would never be like that in the future and instantly that changed bossy future John into a more introspective future John.
All in all a good day. Big show tonight.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



