エヴァンジェリン・リリーのインスタグラム(evangelinelillyofficial) - 11月16日 07時42分

VICTORY for now!!! #TPP #RIP Trans-pacific people power beat multinational corporate power: http://www.wsj.com/articles/obama-administration-gives-up-on-pacific-trade-deal-1478895824 Help make sure congress gets the message: NO resurrecting a zombie TPP. Call in with me: http://stopthetpp.org/call-congress/ (link in bio) The demise of the #TPP does more than save us from its direct damage: it signals that "trade" agreements that are drafted by & for corporate interests & give working people and the environment the short, sharp end of the stick, are simply no longer viable. I want to say #THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU for helping me spread the word, for proving to me, and many others, that WE can instigate change, that together, we can protect our #planet and each other. xoxo #Celebrate #Victory #TPPRIP


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