メアリー・モーサのインスタグラム(missmarymmouser) - 11月15日 15時29分

happy national diabetes day! i know, my fellow diabetics may not be up for celebrating. but this is a moment to take to look at how far you've come. i've been working to kick diabetes's butt for going on 7 years and there's no such thing as an easy day. but here i am, i am still working to achieve each new goal i set before myself and remembering to test and bolus along the way. to my fellow diabetics (and the friends and family members of these awesome people) yay us! we made it this far! but we're not stopping here, we have a long way to go before we can say, "remember when diabetes was a thing?" so let's team up, have each other's backs, and let's join JDRF in the journey of finding a cure for the little monsters that attacked our pancreases.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



