スティナ・サンダースのインスタグラム(stinasanders) - 11月15日 01時13分

If you have social media or have used an online forum, then there is a high probability that you have been a victim of online abuse. Whether that's unwanted d**k pics or comments, you have probably been on the receiving end of a troll at least once in your online life.
I definitely have.
If I'm not being told I'm too fat, then im probably being told that I'm too skinny. Sometimes I'm told that I need to wear less make-up and sometimes I'm told that my eyebrows aren't "on fleek" whatever that means?! There is no winning in the online world. Everyone is open to criticism at all angles - even when you're doing the right thing.
People often ask me what I do when trolls write hurtful comments to me, whether that's under a selfie or a private message. I used to fight back but the sad reality is you can't argue with a keyboard warrior; it's like fighting fire with fire. The best thing that I've learnt to do is to simply, block and forgive. As soon as you realise that the online bullies are the ones with the issues and not you, then you're winning!
So my advice is to keep pushing through whatever it is you're doing and don't listen to the haters. Just be yourself and embrace who you are. Because at the end of the day, you can only be you.
Thanks to @illamasqua for asking me to be part of anti online bullying campaign ?


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