ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 11月13日 10時06分

Tbt to simpler times 💔😢 But for real:
Your country elects a racist/rapist as president. Your eyes are so puffy from crying all night it actually hurts to keep them open. You wake up November 9th, 2016, imagining this is how people felt September 12, 2001. You are tired and sad but aware you live in a bubble of white privilege/ a bubble that is Los Angeles. You spend the entire day feeling like you could vomit, you try to get school done but doing history just makes you sadder. You are sort-of freaking out because you are a teenager so the world already sort-of feels as though it's ending, and then this? You wake up Thursday feeling angry and wanting to fight back. You go to a protest, the first in your life, holding signs with other people your age, in the same boat you are. You march. Tears brim when you chant "My Body- My Choice", which is followed by a "Her Body- Her Choice." You know there must be some resolve and healing in wearing your labels even harder. You know there must be power in just having survived this world with these labels. You call friends just to check in. You read whatever you have on your shelf. You breathe, you cry, you rise. You breathe/You cry/You rise/You breathe/You cry/You rise.


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