タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 11月12日 08時09分

Sometimes I'm in rooms and I meet certain people - and although they wake up and run the day to day of some of our most powerful and successful companies I am almost star struck for certain companies........... one of those companies is RED LOBSTER!!!!! The is me proudly posing with the CEO, ( who was cool as hell btw )... the COO, President, and executive VP of operations!!!!! What feels like just a few years back!
Me and my family was just broke and living on the bottom we literally had nothing in Watts...... and every 5 to 6 months my mother would save up an treat is to Red Lobster and we would have moments of feeling "Rich" crabs, lobster, cheddar biscuits, etc etc....... and although I've been blessed to travel the world get ON and stay ON........ my taste buds are STILL THE SAME!!!!!! I was hanging out IN the kitchen where most of their @redlobster recipes were created!!! Unreal day and I'm so very grateful to have had this moment!!!!! Anyone who KNOWS ME likely have been to red lobster with me cause that's my favorite place.............. stay focused, stay driven, stay ambitious God still loves even though it may seem different at times........


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