マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 11月11日 02時28分

In other cultures and countries when the people are oppressed by either dictator or government they rise up and challenge, as seen above sometimes in drastic ways. You can't deny they are willing to go to any length because they believe in their vision of the future, a brighter future. Our country made a loud cry by electing an outsider Which was a start, some may feel not the best choice but a start none the less. We focus so much on the candidates and loose focus on the facts which is our country, the World is in serious trouble. Fueled by greed and war which go hand in hand we are forcing class separation and destroying our natural resources in the process. How many 0's do investors need to see? How many billions does one person need to make all the while tens of thousands go hungry and we are once again taking land from the Native Americans @#StandingRock how many times will we allow that abuse? NOTHING CHANGES if NOTHING CHANGES. Electing a president will not change much, change occurs when you, the PEOPLE start acting.


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Aria Alexanderのインスタグラム
Aria Alexanderさんがフォロー
