ミシェル・ロドリゲスのインスタグラム(mrodofficial) - 11月9日 04時37分

Make America Grateful Again was a hat I got as gift from my favorite vegan spot in venice Cafe Gratitude. As I biked through my neighborhood & hit the polling station I realized the most important votes I cast today, are really my local community proposition votes & senate seats etc. That's my lesson learned from from voting for the 1st time. It's about cleaning your own neighborhood before making Sweeping estimates about changing a nation or the world with dreams & hopes. It's about the hood & the community, the nation is second to that. I hope more people get involved it's a lot of work to research laws & propositions & figure out what the real interests are, but once you've figured out what you care about in your neighborhood, change is possible, but you have to care enough to get involved. Hope more unheard voices especially young ones decide to care, life is rougher without community, unity, & social interaction, not just the partying kind lol ;)


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