#TNHthankful30 Day 8 I'm grateful for all the folks volunteering today to help this election run smoothly. I'm grateful for all the folks who are taking time out of their jam packed day to stand in line and vote. I'm grateful for all the folks who put fact checked 411 out into the world and the folks who helped educate those who are misinformed with kindness and compassion, on and offline. I'm grateful for the military that keeps us safe and their families that sacrifice so much so we can go and vote and not be frightened for sharing our opinions. I'm grateful that I get to have an opinion and that my voice can be heard. I'm grateful for all the women who came before me who fought so I would be an equal citizen and not be forced to be barefoot, pregnant and someone's property. I'm grateful that in the United States we are constantly growing and expanding and that this election is revealing the deep seeded issues that need to come to the surface to be addressed, resolved and healed. I have faith that more folks will step into leadership positions to come up with solutions and to collaborate vs sticking with party lines to be aligned with a side that may not have their best interest at heart. That together as citizens we can change our culture and politics because we all have a voice, we all have ideas, we all have the choice to make the world a better place with our vote, with how we choose to run our businesses, how we choose to interact with people moment by moment. Do we choose love or fear? Do we rise high when it's easier to stoop low? Do we act with integrity and compassion or only self interest? Are we a contributing member of society or do we sit back, complain and judge? I truly believe that if we all aligned our actions with our words, if we boldly addressed issues from a place of listening to understand we would get more done and help heal the division. I pray that the elected officials are committed to get the job done with compromise, communication and compassion. "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." -Alice Walker #vote @thenewhollywoodwomen

briannabrownkeenさん(@briannabrownkeen)が投稿した動画 -

ブリアンナ・ブラウンのインスタグラム(briannabrownkeen) - 11月9日 01時56分


Day 8
I'm grateful for all the folks volunteering today to help this election run smoothly. I'm grateful for all the folks who are taking time out of their jam packed day to stand in line and vote. I'm grateful for all the folks who put fact checked 411 out into the world and the folks who helped educate those who are misinformed with kindness and compassion, on and offline. I'm grateful for the military that keeps us safe and their families that sacrifice so much so we can go and vote and not be frightened for sharing our opinions. I'm grateful that I get to have an opinion and that my voice can be heard. I'm grateful for all the women who came before me who fought so I would be an equal citizen and not be forced to be barefoot, pregnant and someone's property. I'm grateful that in the United States we are constantly growing and expanding and that this election is revealing the deep seeded issues that need to come to the surface to be addressed, resolved and healed. I have faith that more folks will step into leadership positions to come up with solutions and to collaborate vs sticking with party lines to be aligned with a side that may not have their best interest at heart. That together as citizens we can change our culture and politics because we all have a voice, we all have ideas, we all have the choice to make the world a better place with our vote, with how we choose to run our businesses, how we choose to interact with people moment by moment. Do we choose love or fear? Do we rise high when it's easier to stoop low? Do we act with integrity and compassion or only self interest? Are we a contributing member of society or do we sit back, complain and judge?
I truly believe that if we all aligned our actions with our words, if we boldly addressed issues from a place of listening to understand we would get more done and help heal the division. I pray that the elected officials are committed to get the job done with compromise, communication and compassion. "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." -Alice Walker

#vote @thenewhollywoodwomen


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