フェリックス・サンドマンのインスタグラム(felixsandman) - 11月8日 17時21分

It's funny, the pick shouldn't be hard at all. Americans, you made history and took a huge step forward in peace and evolution the day you voted for Barack Obama, who became the first African American ever to be president. Today, you have the opportunity to set new marks in history. Let this be the day, when for the first time ever, a woman takes place in the White House as the president of our worlds biggest country, in terms of world influence and more. Let this be the day, when you did not let a man with bad mentality and bad morality that shows clear signs of being a racist and a sexist, take place as president of the United States. Hillary Clinton might not be completely flawless, or maybe she is, but either way she will be a 1000x better president and role model than Donald Trump ever will be. So please America, let this be a day of acceptance, a day of equality, a day of country and world development. Your decision will affect you and the whole world, I hope you've voted smart. #ImWithHer


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