Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 11月7日 23時08分

Good morning. Spinz threw up 2 times yesterday. He's been expelling foreign objects that he ate where they had him before. This is good news. The bad news is that we are on alert mode because he is eating half of his portions and we don't know how many more objects he has inside. Let's hope for a quick recovery. Here we go again. THINK BLUE PLEASE...
Buenos días. Spinz vomito 2 veces ayer objetos extraños. Esto es bueno pero estamos en modo de alerta pues el malestar hace que no coma completo y no sabemos qué tantos más objetos se haya comido en el lugar donde lo tenían antes. PIENSEN EN AZUL POR FAVOR...
#ThinkBlue #BabySpinzBJWT #SaveLions #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #TeamLH @spinzbeatsinc


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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