コンスタンス・マリーのインスタグラム(goconstance) - 11月7日 09時56分

With all due respect,
#War is horrible. #War costs MANY #Brave men & women their lives!#War should NEVER be started, ONLY as a last resort.
There have been 9 investigations into #Benghazi. No matter how many times they tried @ヒラリー・クリントン Has been cleared.
9 times!!! #FactsAreFacts So, moving forward, let's pick a president who is level headed, diplomatic & thoughtful. Instead of #Trump who is reactive, combative & incites hate. He fights with EVERYONE who doesn't see things his way. That is a #Dictator. #NotMyPresident #NeverTrump
#DumpDonTheCon #ImWithHer ??????


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